Wednesday 2 October 2024

BFC 2-2 Wycombe Wanderers, Tuesday 1st October 2024

‘That’s, I’d better not say.’
A Reds season ticket is a right bargain these days. If you’re a Londontyke, it means an ever decreasing number of Satdy 3pm games due to international breaks and Sky re-scheduling (Reading now having been cancelled due to the number of world class players a side in the bottom half of division 3 has). And for the rest of us, the chance to see Barnsley FC stumble through games against the ilk of High Wycombe Wanderers. It was the same last season, till Sam Cosgrove’s Goal of the Season in injury time. We have now won 1 of 5 home games against Mansfield Town, Northampton Town, Bristol Rovers, Stockport County and Wycombe. Last season, Fortress Oakwell garnered 9 wins and 7 defeats. It’s simply not good enough. Some Reds fans don’t go to away games, so will have been lucky to see half a dozen decent performances in that time.

Last nite was no different. The opening half must have been the most pointless 45 minutes of football since time began. Not a single shot on target from either side, and the player with the most possession must have been Slonina, our keeper, as he wandered around wondering who to give it to before a lump forward. (To be fair, he’s not the only one to have little faith in our defenders to take the ball under pressure.) Surely we have to accept that some teams will press high, it’s de rigeur these days, and surely our players (defenders) practice during the week to take the ball comfortably, pass it off, before making a forward ball through the lines. If not, what’s the point? Dispense with the pantomime and just hoof it up there. Really, Roberts and Pines are not the kind of defenders to be passing it around. At least, not the defenders you WANT passing it around.

Still, Coach Clarke is doing his best. Pre-match, Darrell (loudmouth Darrell, not Darrell Clarke, although...) insisted that what we needed was 4-4-2. Be careful what you wish for, Darrell. It was 4-4-2, Cotter put further up the park, right midfield. This meant Earl playing left back (good) and MDG playing right back (not so good). And two players in the middle who can’t play football for toffee (Roberts and Pines). Still, it was good to see Pines look up, try to spot movement (good luck!) before hoofing it 50 yards to their keeper. Glenn Hoddle he is not (although their belief systems may have something in common).

There was no Phillips (it took me till half-time to notice!) so Lofthouse was left midfield. Craig anchored the midfield, while Connell...took woeful corners and free kicks. I’m not sure he played a part in the game, though upon having a shot, late 2nd half, the Ponty regaled us with Luca ‘putting on a show’. Rarely has a player been treated to such adoration for so little. DKD looked amazing...for ten minutes. He was back to debut form, before disappearing, literally; subbed off. Up top, it was Cosgrove’s turn to get a trot out and it was the usual from him. No goals, lots of imaginary fouls given against.

That first half was awful. Well done the nigh on 2,000 season ticket holders (official attendance 9,800 – yeah, right) who boycotted / couldn’t make it / would prefer to stay at home and watch it in the warmth / were busy doing something with their loft (he knows who I mean!) It was dreadful. And I’m describing a match that eventually produced 4 goals. Truly, the 8th wonder of the world. If it wasn’t for Barry Twinkle Toes and a sublime bit of skill from DKD, that opening 45 would be the very definition of ‘uneventful’.

Second half...well, I’m pleased I didn’t miss too much of the start, cos I got in just as Wycombe scored. Coach Clarke’s half-time pearls of wisdom have taken less than two minutes to bear fruit. It was quite an odd goal too, as a cross to the back post was sidefoot-volleyed back across goal from an acute angle and not one of Slonina or 3 defenders could get to it. We are doomed. Truly doomed.

But what’s this? Clarke decides to meddle early, bringing on Humphreys and Jalo (Jalo Jalo) for Pines and Lofthouse with barely 10 minutes gone of the half. Yes, we were that desperate. A minute later, Humphreys cuts inside on the edge of the box, takes it early and curls one into the far corner of the net. Inspired! Clarke for Manager of the Year! We then spend a few minutes in our attacking third and (some of) the crowd wake up. Jalo cuts inside and hits one wide.

The game is fizzling out, till Cotter is beaten on the right. (Since the changes he’s been forced to right back.) The cutback is crashed off the bar from 3 yards out. We have survived! ‘Cept we haven’t. The Frenchman swings and misses, Earl blocks a shot virtually on the line, the keeper saves the rebound, before it’s stabbed home. We have resolutely passed up every chance of getting rid and now we’re staring defeat in the face. 163 away fans go wild.

We go again. Why do we only look interested in scoring after the opposition have scored? That must be 4 out of the last 5 matches (it didn’t work at Stevenage). We have a spell of 4 or 5 consecutive corners in injury time and Roberts forces the ball home after Benson (Benson!) has his header palmed out. THE GAME IS SAVED! ALL HAIL MARC ROBERTS! LONG LIVE DARRELL CLARKE! We have eked a draw at home to Wycombe Wanderers. 2 points now in 2 home games. This season ticket is a bargain.

Onwards and upwards!

*** Humphreys. Scored, had a bullet header saved. Basically, changed the game.
** Roberts. Scored, but made 2 amazing blocks with his HEAD.
* Cotter. Obligatory Bazza vote. Clearly our best player 1st half, but replaced up the pitch by Jalo later.

Official MOTM: Roberts

Londontykes’ MOTM:
1= Humphreys/Roberts 3. Cotter


Jalo came on and lost the ball more than he didn’t. He’s never gonna be worth anything if he’s less effective than B. Cotter. In the battle of skill v pace, pace wins.

I did feel sorry for Jalo though, getting a yellow card for trying to control a ball that was going out of play. How the ref deemed this ‘time-wasting’ I’ve no idea. Mind, he also won a corner for shooting wide, so swings and roundabouts.

Oh, and at 0-1...or 1-1...The Frenchman slalomed upfield before cutting inside and tempting the defender into a silly challenge. Penalty all day. No penalty. Not that we deserved anything. Worst two-all draw I’ve seen in a long time.

Drink du jour: Clwb Tropica and Duration ‘Another Day Done’ in Heaven and Ale. And pie and peas.

Away: 163. And half a dozen of them outsang Oakwell in the 1st half.

The Damage:
c.£8 petrol
= c.£8

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